Leadership Update

2024 Leader Update

Leader Update training is designed to refresh and encourage workshop leaders so that state conventions have leaders who are using the current training materials and are competent in their demonstrable skills. State convention approval is required. This leader update is done fully online.

All Workshop Leader updates are scheduled for October 3 – November 7, 2024

Application Prerequisites:

  • Successful completion of Leadership Workshop within the prior 5 years. (Those who have not been updated within 5 years of their original certification or previous update should go through the full Leadership Workshop in 2024.)
  • State convention approval
  • Ability to attend the weekly video conference with the leader and other participants (Thursday evenings unless mutually decided upon by leader and participants)

Course Expectations:

  • Write and record a fresh devotion using the plan provided in the course
  • Write lesson plans as instructed
  • Demonstrate teaching skills related to the training track in which the participant is enrolled
  • Write and share your testimony according to the instructions in the training manuals


Cost: $100 (payable by invoice) for Partner States and $200 for non-Partner States

Registration opens: August 1

Registration Deadline: October 1

The NLMP will send workshop leader guidelines and other materials.

Participants are asked to order their own current manuals.

Click on the appropriate link to apply to attend the leader update.

Adult Reading and Writing

English as a Second Language

Tutoring Children and Youth

“…entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

“…entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

2 TIMOTHY 2:2b