Leadership Workshop

2024 Hybrid Leadership Workshop

Leadership Workshop equips trainers in English as a Second Language, Adult Reading and Writing, and Tutoring Children and Youth. Experience and state convention approval is required. Contact the person in your state responsible for literacy ministries to obtain the code you will enter on the registration form.

Online Component May 1-June 4
(mandatory video conferencing each Thursday night in May)

In-person component June 21-June 23, 2024

NOTE: the in-person location has changed. If flying, do not make reservations until instructed.

(begins with dinner Friday night and ends Sunday before lunch)
Alabama State Board of Missions, 1404 Fairview Ave., Prattville, AL

Registration Fee
$100 for Partner States
$200 for non-Partner States

Double Occupancy – $180
Single Occupancy – $240


  • Participants are required to order workshop manuals and other books from FedEx before the workshop begins. Adult Reading and Writing participants are required to have the current Laubach Way to Reading (teacher and student) Books 1 and 2
  • The Partnership will order workshop guidelines and supplemental materials to be delivered before the workshop begins


Participants will complete these assignments during the online component:

  • a 5-minute devotion related to their training track
  • a 10-minute presentation inviting others to join the ministry (includes statistics for the targeted ministry)
  • a non-churchy testimony that gives the plan of salvation at a level appropriate for their training track: beginner ESL students, children/youth, or adult new readers
  • lesson plans related to their training track as assigned by the leader
  • reflections on the content of the workshop
  • lead at least one small group prayer time with their assigned group

Participants will complete these assignments during the in-person component:

  • demonstration of drills (ESL and tutoring) or Laubach charts (Adult Reading and Writing)
  • demonstration of good teaching skills
  • presentation of the Ps points as assigned at the workshop to each prayer group

“…entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

“…entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

2 TIMOTHY 2:2b